"If you do nothing, nothing is going to happen, if you do something, something might happen, The Future is yours, do something about it!"
"If you do nothing, nothing is going to happen, if you do something, something might happen, The Future is yours, do something about it!"
"I have traveled the world for the last 26 years exploring healing modalities from many cultures... (India, Bali, Thailand, Cambodia, Little Tibet, south America, S. Africa, & Kashmir)..... Never did I ever think in my wildest dreams that a mountain man from the hills of Virginia would present to me the most authentic healing modality I have encountered to date!" |
"1st, your presentation style is refreshing; cut –to-the-chase with no B.S.! Just solid cutting –edge material! I was able to read your book (The Future is Yours) two times prior to attending the seminar, which laid an excellent foundation for the class. In fact I urge everyone who has the book to read it again and again." |